
About Us

When we started this blog, we had no idea what we were going to write about. But then we slowly started to churn out articles and today we are in a state where we still don't know why we started this blog or what we are going to do with this site. So for all those intelligent people with curious questions like what is the purpose of this blog, we don't want to kill your curiosity by answering the question.

The content team comprises of so-and-so, that guy, me and that fellow. There is also a very good designer who is responsible for the template of the blog (clicking radio buttons and choosing colours, nothing else.) If you don't like the appearance of the blog, do blame it on that fellow. We'll be happy to sneer at him.
"Jobless people" is what all of you might term us as. "Brilliant" would be our reply. How did you even guess that? Apart from so-and-so, who does multiple projects and internships at various places, we are jobless wonleee. And frequently we enter hibernation phases where we like to sit back and ponder endlessly over this thingy that we created out of boredom. 

If you think you are unworthy enough of this type of a whatever, then do that this and then why not bling blang and swooosh up to the thingummy. 


If you want to know anything more about us or wish to contribute, do write to us at We'll be sure to reply with really intriguing answers which will leave you speechless. We are sure to reply though. We'll even give you free no-cost zero-rupees-taken no-credit-card-number-required goodies for really good questions and articles. But there is a high chance that we are kidding. Hehe.

So, wazzaaaa?

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